Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lemon Cheesecake 香柠乳酪蛋糕...


Baked this lovely soft cheesecake last night (hee hee... actually it was past midnight :p). It is quite similar to those chilled ones that you find in Japanese restaurants. This one with lemon peel is fragrant and the texture is very fine and soft... And, it is also rich in calcium as lots Philadelphia cream cheese and very little flour are used. I’m pretty sure that everyone at home including the young and the old will love the cake. And it tastes especially nice when chilled. Hope you try it today!

Here are the ingredients to make a 9” round cake: plain flour 35g, corn flour 20g, cream cheese 150g, butter 40g, eggs 5, sugar 80g, milk 65g, lemon juice/peel 1 tsp and cream of tartar ½ tsp.

Let’s start... mix flour and corn flour and sift. Separate egg whites and yolks. Whisk cream cheese, add butter and milk and mix over double boil till smooth (a). Add egg yolks, flour and lemon juice/peel and mix till smooth (b). Beat egg whites and sugar till fluffy (c). Mix with cheese and flour mixture. Pour into baking tin lined with grease proof paper and bake at 170 C in a baine-marie or a water bath (d) for an hour (e); remove from the oven and set aside to cool down (f) and voilà, it’s done!


1 comment:

  1. The cake looks great and the recipe seems easy. Thanks!
